Zsófia Havasi

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


Dr. Zoltán Turbék

Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative


Tamás Talpai

Minister Plenipotentiary, Envoy Extraordinary (Disarmament)


Szilárd Mogyorósi

Second Secretary (WTO Rules, Trade Defence, Dispute Settlement, ITC, WEF) Deputy Permanent Representative to the WTO


Dr. Zsófia Csizmadia

Second Secretary (humanitarian affairs, migration)


Julia Koncz-Kiss

Second Secretary (Human rights)


Gina Hajdu-Szabó

Third Secretary (WHO, ITU, ILO)


Dr. Petra Nikolett Haralambusz

Attaché (WHO, ITU, ILO, humanitarian affairs, migration)


Dr. Zsuzsanna Kerber

Attaché (Human rights)


Dr. Helga Schnee

Attaché (WTO Services and Investments, TRIPS, WIPO)


Márk Fidrich

Third Secretary (WTO Market Access, Trade and Environment, UNECE)


Dr. Pál Mike

Attaché (WTO agriculture,  customs and trade administration, micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, trade and development, UNCTAD)


Gabriella Heidrich

First secretary, Head of finance


Zina Ebinger

Attaché, Secretary to the Ambassador


Margit Kovács

Attaché, Secretary


e-mail: mission.gva@mfa.gov.hu